martes, 2 de diciembre de 2008

Problema con P4_GLOBMEMSIZE

Corriendo el codigo en mpi me encontré con un error en el registro de la actividad del programa para svm, que decìa:

p8_12489: (6.243597) xx_shmalloc: returning NULL; requested 3801600 bytes
p8_12489: (6.243731) p4_shmalloc returning NULL; request = 3801600 bytes
You can increase the amount of memory by setting the environment variable
P4_GLOBMEMSIZE (in bytes); the current size is 4194304
p8_12489: p4_error: alloc_p4_msg failed: 0
Broken pipe

En el archivo de beowulf encontré:
You may set P4_GLOBMEMSIZE (a shell variable) to a larger value, but not
bigger than your kernel predefined max shared memory value. For example, I
put following lines in my .bashrc file


You may use sysctl to find out the kernel predefined max.

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