domingo, 7 de diciembre de 2008

dvipdf produces incorrect top margin

Solución encontrada aqui,
In all such cases, "pdflatex" produces correct results, as does "dvipdfm -p letter".

martes, 2 de diciembre de 2008

luego de algunos intentos

kernel.shmmax = 33554432
p1_23740: (65.027344) p4_shmalloc returning NULL; request = bytes
You can increase the amount of memory by setting the environment variable
P4_GLOBMEMSIZE (in bytes); the current size is

Mi solucion

Problema con P4_GLOBMEMSIZE

Corriendo el codigo en mpi me encontré con un error en el registro de la actividad del programa para svm, que decìa:

p8_12489: (6.243597) xx_shmalloc: returning NULL; requested 3801600 bytes
p8_12489: (6.243731) p4_shmalloc returning NULL; request = 3801600 bytes
You can increase the amount of memory by setting the environment variable
P4_GLOBMEMSIZE (in bytes); the current size is 4194304
p8_12489: p4_error: alloc_p4_msg failed: 0
Broken pipe

En el archivo de beowulf encontré:
You may set P4_GLOBMEMSIZE (a shell variable) to a larger value, but not
bigger than your kernel predefined max shared memory value. For example, I
put following lines in my .bashrc file


You may use sysctl to find out the kernel predefined max.

domingo, 30 de noviembre de 2008

Solucion a ordenar referencias en latex

Encontré como solución a las referencias numéricas en latex el emplear el paquete unsrt.bst, asi el estilo de la bibliografía será \bibliographystyle{unsrt}. :)

sábado, 29 de noviembre de 2008


El día de hoy se inicio formalmente el curso CCNA modulo 4 en el IMYCA, las actividades están programadas para llegar hasta febrero

sábado, 22 de noviembre de 2008

Modificaciones en el directorio de mi Gentoo

cd /usr/share/texmf/tex/generic/babel/

Cambiar elementos en spanish.ldf

Elementos de un Makefile

Important! Beware that the layout of a Makefile follows certain very precise rules. Cutting and pasting by mouse almost certainly will destroy that precise layout. Don't cut and paste. Download it as instructed in the the previous paragraph.

# Generic make file for LaTeX: requires GNU make

TEXFILE = slides.tex

.PHONY: dvi ps pdf clean

pdf: $(TEXFILE:.tex=.pdf)
ps: $(
dvi: $(TEXFILE:.tex=.dvi)

%.dvi: %.tex
( \
latex $<; \
while grep -q "Rerun to get cross-references right." $(<:.tex=.log); \
do \
latex $<; \
done \
) %.dvi
dvips -q -t a4 $< -o $(<

ps2pdf -dPDFSETTINGS=/prepress $<

@rm -f \
$(TEXFILE:.tex=.aux) \
$(TEXFILE:.tex=.log) \
$(TEXFILE:.tex=.out) \
$(TEXFILE:.tex=.dvi) \
$(TEXFILE:.tex=.pdf) \

In normal use, you will edit the Makefile's "TEXFILE = slides.tex" line and replace "slides.tex" by the name of your LaTeX file. No other changes should be necessary.

Then the single command "make" will process your LaTeX file and produce a PDF file. That's all!

Remark 1: The command "make" takes your file through the following sequence:
file.tex --> file.dvi --> --> file.pdf

The command "make dvi" will run only the first step, i.e.,

file.tex --> file.dvi

This is useful for debugging your LaTeX source file.

The command "make ps" will run only the first and second steps, i.e.,

file.tex --> file.dvi -->

This is useful for creating files for viewing with ghostview, as in:

gv -landscape

The command "make clean" will delete all the files created by make. This is useful for removing clutter from your directory.

viernes, 21 de noviembre de 2008

Comandos rápidos para emacs

  • Set a mark: [Ctrl-spacebar] or [Ctrl-@]
  • Delete: [Ctrl-W]
  • Copy: [Esc] W
  • Paste: [Ctrl-Y]

Usar UTF-8 en Gentoo con Latex

Para habilitar el soporte utf-8 en la edición de documentos tex con emacs, emplee en la plantilla postgrado.sty:

Desde la entrada eblogger

Entradas para el blogger desde igoogle

Buscar en ACM

En fecha próxima buscar los siguientes artículos:
  1. Parametric cepstral analysis for pathological voice assessment
  2. Introducing Speech and Language Processing
  3. A robust on-the-fly pitch (OTFP) estimation algorithm
  4. Pitch period determination of speech sounds
  5. Objective comparison of speech enhancement algorithms under real world conditions

jueves, 20 de noviembre de 2008

Sobre el examen 3 en FundaCID


Algunas aplicaciones para encriptar

Navegación con seguridad


viernes, 14 de marzo de 2008

AmQRP Projects

AmQRP Projects: "Some tools, some rigs, some instructional, some published ... all interesting!"

jueves, 13 de marzo de 2008

Browse Ham Shacks - My Ham Shack

Browse Ham Shacks - My Ham Shack

friends, family and fellow Amateur Radio Operators will have a place to go to admire your Ham Shack. For example, if your callsign is KA9SRK, then your web page address will be


KG6LQ Florida | The Sunshine State: "KG6LQ"

Packet Radio


On this page is everything you should need for information to perform the software configuration of an APRS system with the components listed above.

I had a wonderful week tying to pull together all the information I needed to use UI-View with the MFJ-1275 and AGWPE on a Windows XP PC. Most important to understand is that the MFJ-1275 IS NOT a Packet TNC. It is an interface betwixt your sound card and your radio. It contains transformers, filters and DSP chips to modify data to the varied formats and protocols that it supports. Therefore, to use the MFJ-1275 as a Packet TNC, we need to supply software to configure it to be a Packet TNC. This is called a "packet engine"
The most popular packet engine is that from SV2AGW. He has created AGWPE
Ok, "let's light this candle"!

lunes, 10 de marzo de 2008

Lectura Frame Relay

I. Frame Relay Core Module Presentation:

Download from the following link.

Lectura 2 ATM


Lectura Nº 1 ATM

RedIRIS - Revisión y Clasificación de Protocolos para Redes de Tecnología ATM

Wireless Networking Labs

Wireless Networking: ns2 Laboratory Exercises

Table of Contents

Lab 101: Introduction to ns2
Lab 102: MAC Contention Window
Lab 103: 802.11 Carrier-Sense
Lab 104: 802.11 Fairness
Lab 105: Data Throughput
Lab 106: Rate Control
Lab 107: RF Propagation Models in ns2
Lab 108: Probabilistic Broadcast
Lab 109: Adhoc Routing - DSDV
Lab 110: On-demand Routing Protocols
Lab 111: Application Control and Queue Management
Lab 112: Back-Pressure Scheduling
Lab c101: MAC Contention Window and RTS (lab 102 with an additional part)
Lab c102: 802.11 Fairness and Comparison of DSR and AODV Routing Protocols (combo of labs 104 and 110)

Wireless Networking Labs

miércoles, 5 de marzo de 2008

Compartir XWindow

Xming is the leading free unlimited X Window Server for Microsoft Windows (XP/2003/Vista). It is fully featured, light and fast, simple to install and because it is standalone native Microsoft Windows, easily transported [WWW]portable as a Pocket PC X server. It is totally secure when used with [WWW]SSH and optionally includes an enhanced PuTTY Link SSH client and a portable PuTTY replacement package.


GAIA: Ejemplos de algoritmos en pseudocódigo

GAIA: Ejemplos de algoritmos en pseudocódigo

Sistemas Operativos - Heuristic Optimization

Sistemas Operativos - Heuristic Optimization

Intercambio de Archivos entre usuarios de Matlab

The MathWorks - MATLAB Central - Home

Primera Entrada

El dia de hoy he comenzado a integrar esta herramienta para el intercambio con estudiantes y amigos sobre distintas experiencias